Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Here We Are and Here We Stay!

Guys ... we made it!

It took forever. It was stressful and hard.
But, boy, is it worth it!
To finally be here, to start building relationships on this adventure, to be where God wants us and know without a doubt that we are meant to be here...I can't do it justice.

But is the devil ever hitting our house hard. He doesn't want us to be functioning the way we can. Tempers are short, the little ones are getting into everything (and that includes coloring the dog) and life is still crazy! Please continue to pray for us!

But being where God wants ... goodness ... nothing can compare!

I wanted to share a little about our new town and home in this post. 

Aledo is a little town, 3700 people the sign says when you enter. The town of Pride and Progress, it looks like something straight out of Andy Griffith. In short, it's adorable! :)
The town is so safe, Mom lets me go walking by myself with no worries and it is so fun to walk up and down the streets and enjoy this peaceful little town.

My family and I went to the school Winter concert and I was shocked. Not only where they an amazing choir and band, (over 100 kids are in the two bands. That makes up one-forth of the student body) but they sang the Hallelujah Chorus at the end of the choir performance! In a public school! It absolutely floored me! 

The house was built in the 1880's and is so cool! My room has one of the smallest closets, but it has the attic stair case! The house has a servant staircase, and let me just say this now. THANK YOU! Thank you to the poor servants back in the day who climbed those stair uncountable times. They are so stinkin' steep! I almost fell the other day and had a mini heart-attack, cause boy would that hurt! 
There is beautiful wood work all through the house as well as a large kitchen and separate dining room. 

I am so blessed to have met three wonderful new friends: Gabby, Damon and Anna. They are all major Whovians like me and we love discussing all things superhero, Star Wars, Doctor Who and Lord of the Rings. 

God has brought us through so much and I know he is going to continue to bring us through much, much more. 

Thank you God, for this adventure. I know I've doubted. I know I will still to doubt sometimes. But you have me. You've never let go. I am where you want me. Use me how you will. I love you Lord. 

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